
'Be strong, be strong and be strengthened!'

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Proverbs 12:3
A man shall not be established by wickedness:
But the root of the righteous shall not be moved.

The ‘wicked’, he who does not look to God’s teachings for the establishment of his creed but to his own imagination, live in constant insecurity. He follows every wind of doctrine, of teachings, and as the Athenians in the Aeropagus, he is always waiting to hear a new thing. And when there is no new thing that suits his fancy, he creates one. He becomes a self-appointed teacher and starts teaching his new doctrine as if he had been appointed by God to do so. The result is spiritual anarchy; spiritual confusion of doctrines and teachings, and no one can agree on a spiritual consensus.
Did God leave us in the dark and at the mercy of presumptuous people?

From the time God gave His Instruction to the people at Mt Horeb, God has not changed. The fullness of the believer’s creed from beginning to end, even of the messianic era, was included in the writings of the Torah. No true teacher from God has ever uttered a thing in contradiction to the words spoken to Moses at Mt Horeb. Throughout history, the prophets of God reiterated and concurred their doctrine. Jesus reminded it to the Pharisees who had strayed from it into their own form of religious traditions, and Paul shepherded the Church according to its principles.
God even says of himself: I am God; I change not.

The Torah left many unanswered issues which in the old days, were supposed to be addressed and established, not by self-anointed individuals who told people what to do, but by peer-review and the general consensus of leaders chosen according to God’s appointment through the voice of the people (Acts 7). Doing so ensured the purity of the doctrine and brought down God’s establishment.
Everyone can speculate, but only God can establish.

Through the statement of our wise King today, we have the assurance that no false doctrine, no erroneous teaching ever stands secure before God. Only the root (the prophet Isaiah coined Jesus as the ‘root’ of Jesse) of the righteous is not moved.

Let us make sure not to be blown by every wind of doctrine and teacher. Let us personally be responsible for what we believe and practice because when we appear before His throne, we will be individually held accountable for what we believe.
Thus, let us be established.

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