
'Be strong, be strong and be strengthened!'

Friday, January 25, 2008


Proverbs 10:11
The mouth of a righteous man is a well of life:
but violence covereth the mouth of the wicked.

The concept of fruits of the tongue is often repeated in the Bible. James described it, Jesus said we would be judged by it and David prayed that the words of his mouth would be acceptable unto God. King Solomon gives us much good advice on the use of the tongue also. The proper use and mostly control of our speaking ability is one the most obvious sign of wisdom.

Our text today shows us that we can discern a man by the fruit of his words, even by his withholding of words, for not talking is also a form of communication. More is communicated in what is not said than in what is said. It is the wise man who knows how to control his mouth and say nothing when nothing needs to be said. The Hebrew word used for ‘well’ in this text is a word that also means ‘vein’; an allusion to the great aorta vein which convey the blood from the heart to every part of the body. The Words of the righteous man are as oracles from God and just as Jesus’ Words, they are a vein of life-giving blood to His hearers. So are the words (words as in communications done either with speech or withholding of it) of a righteous person. They may hurt for a while, but in the end they bring life.

It is not so of the wicked. The wicked talks peace with his tongue; he flatters with his lips; he cajoles and sweetens his speech with right words and attributes. He say all the right things but in the end the true motivation of his heart finds him out: violence, divisions, ego, pride, selfishness, are all under his poisonous tongue hidden by a smokescreen of personal righteousness.

Oh, but oh, how God’s spirit searches the hearts. How He reveals the hidden perfidy of the wicked to those who know His Voice and His Voice only. They will not be tricked by a stranger. They will not be led astray by what is only a form of righteousness.

As we set the words of this text in our heart, let us by God’s wisdom, discern by their fruits and their end result the source of the words spoken to us.

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