
'Be strong, be strong and be strengthened!'

Monday, September 24, 2007


Proverbs 1:7 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge:
but fools despise wisdom and instruction

This word ‘fear’ used in our King James Bible sounds cold as a word to describe our relationship with God, but is it? It is not a word that denotes of fear as we have from an irrational enemy or an oppressor; it tells rather of a respectful fear. It is the fear of the knowledge that whatever we do, good and bad, has retribution. It is the fear of knowing that even when we think that no one hears, God does. It is the knowledge that when we believe no one sees us, God’s eyes look even in the deepest chambers of our being, and knows our every thought, intentional and unintentional. It is realizing that the Holy Spirit is the ‘police’ of our soul.

There are many today who have succeeded in rationalizing the voice of their conscience and therefore, they do not even realize that they have one. They live their lives in total oblivion of the presence of God and think that life will never catch up with them. They despise the wisdom and instruction that are able to save them from the pits the enemy of our souls has prepared for us in order to catch us in his net on judgment day. Are we living in a generation of fools?

We are indeed, but here is the good news: we are each one of us individuals with freedom of choice. We do not have to run the loosing race with the fools. Any moment, any time, we can change the course of our lives; have a turn-around, a ‘metanoia’ (Greek word for ‘repentance’) and run the race that is on higher grounds; the race that affords infinite rewards and eternal dividends.

Which race do you run?

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