
'Be strong, be strong and be strengthened!'

Thursday, May 17, 2007


Psalms 119:159 Consider how I love thy precepts: quicken me, O LORD, according to thy lovingkindness.

Throughout his life long pleading, begging, praying, David had a single yearning and request: salvation. He lived his life longing for the promised restoration of his spirit, for his soul’s return in the presence of the Lord. David also intensely desired the establishment of God’s kingdom on earth, and to the best of his ability and knowledge, he devoted his physical and spiritual strength to that purpose. He longed to live in the presence of the Lord; he had a deep love and appreciation for His precepts. David was not perfect though; he willingly acknowledged his sin, and he did not make his claim to Salvation by presenting his own self-deserving goodness to God. He solely depended on God’s lovingkindness.

We have yet to discover the depths of His love, the marvelous bounty of His grace. There were two thieves on Calvary crucified with Jesus. They were crucified for the sins they had committed on the earth. The law of the land had no power to either forgive or regenerate; they had to pay for their sins with a cruel death, and even then, it would not redeem their soul. In his unrepentant and hardened spirit, one of the thieves tried to use Jesus to absolve his punishment, but the law is an unforgiving taskmaster; it holds “death” as the “wages of sin” (Romans 6:23), and it has to be paid in full. The other thief knew his sin but he had faith in the merciful lovingkindness of the Master. He did not have the possibility to get baptized and do great works for Jesus. He did not have the opportunity to learn to understand the theological depth of Jesus’ role on the earth, he was fastened to a piece of wood bound to die within the next few hours. All he could bring to Jesus was the gift of his repentant and believing heart, and that was enough for Christ to pay his debt (for the law required the payment) and He said to him, “today, thou shalt be with me in paradise” (Luke 43:23).

This is all Jesus needs: our repentant believing yielded heart. He wants to control and lead it; he wants to make His inhabitation in it. We cannot deceive him by presenting the works of our flesh. No work of man can be brought forth in exchange for the grace of His presence. All He needs is our heart fully yielded to Him so He can do the “works” through us.

Like the thief on Calvary, let’s be accepted of Him solely depending on the grace of His lovingkindness. That is our only hope.

1 Corinthians 13:1-3 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. (2) And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. (3) And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.

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