
'Be strong, be strong and be strengthened!'

Friday, February 09, 2007


February 9

Psalms 119:51 The proud have had me greatly in derision: yet have I not declined from thy law.

The proud; the arrogant; the ungodly; those who in spite of their insignificance think they are masters of their fate; those who refuse to recognize the ways of God in the world or in their lives, always deride those who are Godly. They love to deride and put down the ones who do acknowledge their need and dependence on their Lord. They unleash their cruel mockeries as a weapon to lash our hearts. Through their bluff and blackmail, they attempt to torture our souls into surrendering to their humanist cynicism. Misery loves company, so their goal is to get us to join them in their hell-pit.

It’s everywhere. It’s in the songs; it’s in the movies. It’s in schoolbooks, in the magazines. They even disguise themselves with light to better deceive us into being swayed by their evil propaganda.

This, friend, is the world of today. This is the world we live in--a world where more than ever before, faith in the God of the universe is under attacks by the father of lies. Our only safety, our only sanity, the only way we will not ‘decline’ is to stay filled with His Words. We need not to go and fight the lies, the mockery, and the derision. This is what satan would have us do: leave our secure position to fight him against whom really we really have no strength. Our only hope is to stay fastened to the Word of Light as unto our eternal refuge.

2Peter 3:3 Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,

Proverbs 18:10 The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.


Tom Sparks said...

So very true. In fact, Jesus so walked out this principle that when people attacked Him and called Him names, rather enter into a debate over the issues they used to attack Him, He challenged them on the nature of their personhood attacks on Him, and let them know that until they were ready to honor His personhood He would not discuss their taunting questions. See John 8:49.

Too often we make the mistake of engaging our tormentors, as if answering their taunts, or worse yet, taunting in return with our own taunts of refutation, would help the situation.

Jesus, Who was all truth, would challenge them on the level of their personal attacks on Him, and then quietly walk away.

Sometimes all you can do, once you find a person committed to attacking your person is to just walk away, and pray for their soul.

Unknown said...

Exactly; we should all take examples in how Jesus did it!
