
'Be strong, be strong and be strengthened!'

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


January 24

Psalms 119:31 I have stuck unto thy testimonies: O LORD, put me not to shame.

Oh the brave heart of David. It takes a lot of bravery; it takes a lot of strength to stick to God’s testimonies. It takes a lot of courage to continue trusting Him through seeming defeats while we contend with un-reached goals and what we are tempted to qualify as ‘unanswered’ prayers. It takes a supernatural element of faith to hang on to God’ Word of promise and be assured of His support just because we know He has done it in the past.

Some have boldly declared that it is the coward and the weak who lean on faith, those who are unsure of themselves and who need a crutch. How ironic. In David we have a soldier; a man who has lived in the battlefield; been a fugitive; spent his life on the brink of very real dangers. David’s life hardly testifies that of a self-concerned coward but yet, he confesses utter dependency to God.

The heart of a brave man can be more wounded by shame than by any of man’s evil weaponry, but David despised the shame (Hebrews 12:2 ) and endured the cruel mockings (Hebrews 11:36) of the proud and conceited reprobates. In the eyes of the other nations around him, he seemed to lean on a God with no name, no face, no Temple, nor any of the religious elements which in their eyes constitutes the strength and greatness of a god. In spite of the mockery, David stood for the honor of the Almighty God expecting Him to extend and prove Himself. As a result, God honored him and proved wrong the spiritual and physical forces of evil that tried to withhold him. .

Sometimes, God takes us to a place where He is the only One who can help us against the forces of logic, carnal wisdom and rational thinking. Sometimes He asks us to walk on limb and saw it off. Those times are times to learn to utterly trust Him and sing the following song:

"Cheer up, ye saints of God--there's nothing to worry about--
Nothing to make you feel afraid--Nothing to make you doubt!
Our God has never failed, so why not trust Him and shout!
You'll be glad you trusted Him tomorrow!"

2Corinthians 3:5 Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God;

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