
'Be strong, be strong and be strengthened!'

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Daily Devotion

May 7, 2006

Psa 119:145 I cried with my whole heart; hear me, O LORD: I will keep thy statutes.

Here is a principle that today’s society has largely forgotten.  With very few exceptions, the Word teaches us that distresses, problems, tragedies, and even persecutions come from God in order to teach us lessons, to work His will in our lives, and bring our strayed hearts back to Him.  Job’s comforters tried to convict Job of sin.  Even the pagan sailors in Jonah’s ship wanted everyone on board to make things right with their god.  Jesus’ disciples wondered if the healed man had been blind because of his own sins, or those of his parents.

There should never be a question as to whether you have sinned or not.  The Bible said that we have all sinned (Rom 3:23).  If you have a hard time finding faults in yourself, enroll the help of those closest to you such as your spouse, your teenage children, or your closest co-workers--they will be glad to tell you! When tragedy hits as a person, a society, a country, it is a time for heart-searching and to desperately cry to the Lord.  It is a time for repentance, and to determine to keep God’s command. It is a time to re-evaluate your modus operandi; to yield to the changes God brings in your life.  It is not a time for justification, arguing and arranging with God; it is a time of learning by listening to the instruction that He has for you with a sincere and honest heart (Luk 8:15).  

No matter who’s right or wrong, no matter what the physical elements of the situation are, the spiritual principle remains the same; it is a time of learning to keep His precepts.

In your desperation today, cry with whole heart; be desperate to learn, and promise to keep His statutes.

1 Corinthians 5:7  Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us:

Patrick Lumbroso
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